Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So, What's New?

Long time, no blog. Although I haven't actually even run enough over the course of the last week and a half to equal a 26.2 mile distance, I feel like I have run a marathon.

First, Tour de Max went relatively well considering it was raining between 7 and 8 am when the majority of riders probably decide whether or not they are going to participate in a ride. After 8 am, it was beautiful if you discount the wind. We still ended up with 117 mostly happy cyclists. Other than a pushed over port-a-potty and one mistaken road marking, the day was a success.

The problem happened after we were done. Someone stole a aforementioned port-a-potty. Gone. Maybe it will show up in some one's driveway as a prank, but until then, the ride is out $700 for the missing potty. After I cried, mostly from exhaustion and frustration, I started laughing as I had to call the county sheriff to file a police report on the stolen potty. I'm sure they issued an all points bulletin alerting the county that the potty may be on the run and to consider it armed and dangerous.

This past weekend, on the other hand was glorious! We went up to Grand Haven, bummed around, had two great runs, and left with both of the girls voicing what we felt, we don't want to go home!

So, now we're home. Emily had her last day of junior class preschool yesterday, followed by a graduation ceremony/program last night. One of her preschool teachers is a dear friend of mine and she is moving at the end of next month, so we presented her with a scrapbook of pictures and quotes from all of the kids about what they liked about her or preschool. The last quote in the book was an overheard conversation between two of the boys in the class. Gabriel asked Sam if Sam would miss him when he moved. Sam replied, no I won't miss you when you move but I'll miss you when you aren't here.

Kate finishes school today! She'll be a second grader!! She really has grown a lot this year. She won a young author's contest for her class and then the primary grades at her school, she won her class spelling bee and went on to compete against the rest of the first grade. She made it into the top ten, and according to my sources, kept her composure through the whole thing.

There's a lot of good things going on around here, just not a lot of time to do much else :-)

So, now I'm off to get some cleaning done, a trip to the library, and hopefully get some editing done in between it all.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Rick said...

Just wanted to say, *hey*. Glad to see you're still hanging around. ;-)

Have a blessed week!