Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Too cold, too snowy

So far this week, I've gotten three runs in. Monday, went to the fitness center and ran three and did one on the elliptical. Plus, I lifted weights. I've been hurting ever since.

Last night, I ran four mile in about 36 minutes and then did some weights.

This morning, I met my friend at the fitness center and ran four in just over 36 minutes. We were both struggling. After kicking up the pace, at 2 miles, I had to pull back. After we were done, we were talking for a couple of minutes and I felt like my lungs were full and I couldn't get a good deep breath. I think I'm getting a cold.

Both of my girls are fighting colds - runny noses and coughing. It is only a matter of time. However, I can't complain as this is really the first sickness we've had in quite a long time.

By the way, there is about 2 inches of snow on the ground and, while Yahoo!Weather said it was 16 degrees, my car said it was 1 degree this morning. By the time I picked the girls up from school and daycare, it was a balmy, sunny 14 degrees!

Wild, though, it is supposed to get up to 42 degrees this weekend. Maybe a nice run outside will be in order!!

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