Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag, You're It...


So, my favorite "beginning runner", Kelly, tagged me and I'm supposed share six facts about myself. While I procrastinate and try to decide what it is I want to broadcast to the world, I'll tag a few other blogs:
1. Rick at This Run's for You Cassy
2. Kirsten at Zoomylicious
3. Joe at Blue Dawgs Runing
4. Jennifer at Life is a Gift. RUN
5. Nikki at Lili-Bug

Okay, so here are six facts about me (this feels like being the Mystery Reader at preschool):

1. My family lived on the south coast of Puerto Rico for six months when I was four years old and Steve and I took groups of students there on work projects several times. It is such an awesome place.

2. My favorite food is probably pizza. It is the one meal I want to eat after a long run.

3. That being said, my freshman year at Taylor University, four of us left Upland, Ind. around 5 pm and drove to Chicago for Giordano's pizza. We returned to campus around 1 or 2 am. I don't know exactly what time - I wasn't the one driving. Thanks, Deb!! In the time we were gone, we witnessed a fight at a stoplight and were in a fender bender on Michigan Ave. in downtown Chicago. Not to mention an ice storm had gone through that day and things were a little slippery.

4. Despite trying to several times, I didn't like running until three years ago when I started training for the 2006 Chicago Marathon.

5. I was on the swim team in high school and was probably the worst one on the team but I had fun!

6. In 2002, I was about two people away from shaking President Bush's hand at a rally. Steve and I were invited to sit on stage. President Bush shook the hand of the man in front of us and then left the stage. Bummer. Still, it was a pretty amazing experience and very cool to see him in person.

So there you have it. Have a great day!


Kelly said...

hmmm. I kinda like this tag thing. So many interesting things...

okay back to cleaning!

Joe S said...

Six facts about me???? I'll have to goggle myself and see what's public knowledge. :-)

I'll post next week on my blog.

Joe S said...

I knew I was going to do that. I will have to GOOGLE myself. Goggling oneself is very difficult and somewhat painful.

Rick said...

DOH! I don't think there ARE 6 interesting things about me. I'll give it a whirl though asap. Perhaps later tonight. Thanks for thinking of me. :)