Monday, January 5, 2009

Feel the Love

The girls are back to school today, one a bit more excited than the other. I think Kate is happy to be getting back to her friends and probably back to the scheduled day (there hasn't really been one for two weeks). However, Emily was thrilled to be going back. She ran up the steps to the preschool door in no time at all. The only thing that was missing was the yelling, "Bye Mom!!"

We picked out clothes last night and she decided on her jean that have the word "Love" on one pant leg and her shirt that also has the word love on. She got dressed this morning and I asked her if she wanted to wear the jacket that goes with the jeans. She informed me that she wanted to be filled with love today, the jacket didn't have love on it so she didn't want to wear it.

Yep, feel the love.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Darling. Happy new year!